Reflections: The Animas Blog
Unveil the truth about coaching! A myth-busting journey through 10 inaccurate assumptions.
Discover how you can use the LIFE Model to plan out the 4 critical outcomes of your coaching business.
An exploration of the INSPIRED Model for identifying your coaching niche.
We uncover 10 benefits of coaching in the workplace as supported by research.
A short exhortation for coaches to hold lightly the boundaries between coaching and other helping professions.
Challenging the centrality of goal-setting and its place within transformative coaching.
An exploration of the deeper sense of calling and purpose that coaches have that transcends the job or business.
Nick Bolton challenges the conventional idea that coaching is a short-term approach and that longer-term work risks dependency.
An exploration of the 8 kinds of coach from life coach through to team coach, including what each do and who they work with.
An exploration of the philosophical clash between humanistic and systemic perspectives on personal agency.
An exploration of the career options open to coaches who don't want to start their own business.
In this article we clarify the difference between coaching supervision and mentor coaching breaking it down into 5 key areas of difference so you know what to look for.
Guest writer, Beatrice Zornek, explores the role of ego states and the transactions taking place internally with the inner critic.
Nick Bolton shares his PROSPER Model offering 7 areas of focus to continue your journey of growth and development as a coach after qualification.
In this article, Nick Bolton argues that we owe more to the professional coaching bodies than we often acknowledge and need to shift our mindset from transactional value to contribution to impact.
Animas founder, Nick Bolton, explores the boundary between empathy and collusion and provides a way for coaches to think about these two ways of relating.
In part 2 of "Can Coaches Ever Be Truly Non-Judgemental?", we explore a number of key factors around what we judge, who we judge and how we can become less judgemental.
Can coaches ever be truly non-judgemental? Nick Bolton shares 7 Levels of Judgement and Non-Judgement which he proposes we operate from as humans and which dictate the level of non-judgement we can achieve.
If you’re a coach (or want to be), you’ve probably heard of coaching supervision.
But you might not know exactly what it is or how it could benefit you and your clients.
It goes without saying that new coaches need to learn new skills. That’s typically why someone joins a coaching programme. To learn how to coach.
Coaching is an increasingly popular profession with the market demand for trained coaches increasing year by year.
Variations on this question pepper our social media threads from time to time and I find myself answering them with some degree of sympathy for their underlying challenge.
If you’re looking to embark on a journey to become a coach, we believe it is vital to understand what’s expected of you and what it means to be joining the coaching profession.
Great news! You’ve finished your coursework, completed your practice hours, and you’ve finally qualified as a coach. Now, how do you find coaching jobs?
Undertaking a coaching course, particularly one as comprehensive as ours is a big commitment. Financially, emotionally, mentally. So it’s understandable that you may have a lot of questions about whether it’s truly worth it.
Many things have changed over the course of the years around how I coach. I’m hoping that the rabbit-caught-in-headlights look of the early days of client work has dissipated! Similarly, the clumsy advice-as-question ruse has faded away over time.
It is perfectly natural to have fears when starting out on a new venture, of any kind; whether it’s our first time in a kayak, first time ordering a coffee in a foreign language
There is a good chance that you will have heard of life coaching, and might have an idea of what it involves, but are you really familiar with the benefits of having a life coach yourself?
9 benefits of a career in life coaching from the impact on others to the life you can create for yourself.
If the thought of having a full-time life coaching career lights you up but you’re still in the dark and feeling overwhelmed by the decision, then this article might help you see
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