
Our Training Faculty

Todd Roache PCC

Todd Roache

Todd is an ICF certified coach (PCC) and supervisor, with a rich background in music, mental health, energy work, and leadership development. 


In his private practice he focuses on empowering heart and spirit-led coaches to explore and deepen themselves and their work. As part of this offering, he runs 1-1 and group sessions online, as well as 1-1 Practitioner Empowerment retreats which can include coaching and supervision with art, music, and nature, as well as energy work.


The creativity and deep space-holding he brings to his work stems from an award-winning songwriting career and a decade running therapeutic music sessions in CAMHS (Child Adolescent Mental Health Services), as well as many years of training and experience in shadow work, Tantra, non-duality, and ‘Conscious Kink’.


Alongside his private practice Todd has worked as a well-being coach in the organisational space, a leadership development coach and Arts-Based PPD workshop leader at Middlesex University (MBA and Degree level), and as a trainer for Animas Centre for Coaching. Now an ICF board member on the Coaching in Organisations team, Todd continues to be interested in and contribute to the growing edge of the coaching profession. 

When not in sessions, Todd can be found walking the local country lanes, playing guitar, writing poems, or relaxing round a fire with friends and loved ones. 


Nick is the founder and CEO of the Animas and International Centre for Coaching Supervision. Along with his love of coaching and supervision, he is a a passionate learner with a fascination for philosophy, psychology and sociology.