In this thought-provoking episode of Coaching Uncaged, Animas Centre Director Robert Stephenson is joined by actor, coach and domestic violence and sexual harassment prevention trainer Andrew Macklin.
Robert and Andrew thoughtfully explore the topic of domestic violence, and how it might show up in the coaching space, particularly for those coaches that work within a relationship coaching context.
Andrew draws on his experience as a domestic violence prevention trainer and coach as he shares this world from a coaching perspective, touching on patterns of behaviour, the notion of identifying what makes a relationship healthy or unhealthy, and the importance of building an awareness of the early signs that show up around domestic violence that can be key in its prevention.
Andrew also touches on some of the common myths associated with domestic violence, as well as offering some resources, statistics, frameworks and models that can be useful in bringing a coachee’s awareness to what is considered a healthy or unhealthy relationship and how this may be showing up or affecting other areas of their life.
Andrew also shares that while a recognition of when someone needs professional support is paramount, the held and heard space of a coaching session can be key in supporting those that are facing domestic violence by helping to rebuild feelings of agency and competence.
He highlights that while boundaries, self-awareness and comfort are key in this space, if as coaches we are able to avoid trying to cure or solve the issue for the client, and able to recognise that we are but one piece of the puzzle – a piece that might just be offering a space for the coachee to share and feel heard – coaches can play a crucial role in this incredibly important area.
You can find out more about Andrew and his work here:
Below are some useful helplines that offer support for those facing domestic violence:
National Domestic Violence Helpline – 0808 2000 247
You can freephone the 24-hour National Domestic Violence Helpline, calls to this number will not show up on BT landline phone bills.
Galop – 0800 999 5428
Galop is the only National LGBT+ Domestic Violence Helpline providing confidential support to all members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT) communities, and their family and friends.
Men’s Advice Line – 0808 801 0327
A confidential helpline for male victims of domestic abuse and those supporting them.