Animas Podcast
Exploring the Science of Happiness

Exploring the Science of Happiness: A Discussion With Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Exploring the Science of Happiness
Coaching Uncaged
Exploring the Science of Happiness: A Discussion With Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

In this fascinating episode of Coaching Uncaged, Animas Centre Director Robert Stephenson is joined by Author, global lecturer and Co-Founder of the Happiness Studies Academy, Potentialife, Maytiv and Happier.tv, Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar.

Tal delves into the science of happiness, sharing his fascinating background around the subject, the scientific data that sits behind living happier, healthier and more meaningful lives, as well as how these ways of thinking about happiness show up in the coaching space and the role that coaching has in helping both self, and others to work towards greater meaning, fulfilment and better ways of living.

Tal touches on the importance of not just finding the purpose of life but also the purpose in life. He also shares some of the reasons behind why systems thinking is so important in establishing leverage points with coachees, as well as the benefits of coaches really experimenting with truths in the coaching space.

Whether it’s using Daryl Bem’s ‘Self-Perception Theory’ to illustrate the important two-way connection between thoughts and actions, Ralph Waldo Emerson’s ‘Circles’ essay to highlight that the most impactful interactions are loops as opposed to a linear process, or Robert Greenleaf’s research that found that the characteristic most associated with great leaders is an ability to truly listen and be present; something that sits at the heart of every great coaching conversation, Tal offers so many insightful anecdotes, references and resources in his exploration of the science of happiness.

We hope that you enjoy this conversation!

You can find out more about Tal and his work here: http://www.talbenshahar.com/

And as always, don’t forget to subscribe for a fascinating new episode every Tuesday!


Nick is the founder and CEO of the Animas and International Centre for Coaching Supervision. Along with his love of coaching and supervision, he is a a passionate learner with a fascination for philosophy, psychology and sociology.

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