In this thought-provoking episode of Coaching Uncaged Animas Centre Director Robert Stephenson is joined by Professional Development Coach and Diversity and Inclusion Facilitator Ashana Crichton as they delve into the role of self, the work we need to do as coaches in order to be more inclusive in our practice, and why it’s so important.
Ashana shares her journey to coaching and her background around Diversity and Inclusion. She details the work that took her from the UK to the US and back, and what finding herself in that new environment offered her and her practice through a new language around diversity and inclusion.
Robert and Ashana explore what it really means to be an inclusive coach, the biases or blind spots that can sometimes get in our way, before highlighting the true benefits of being inclusive for coach and client, the coaching industry as a whole, as well as the wider world.
Ashana shares her feelings around what we as coaches can do to better inform ourselves around Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, and that this work doesn’t just sit with Diversity and Inclusion practitioners, but every single one of us if we are to make a difference in this area.
Robert and Ashana also explore the pivotal role of self work in mastering our craft and making an impact around inclusivity, the notion of feeling comfortable in the discomfort of uncertainty, the importance of the work we do with ourselves outside of the coaching session, as well as sharing that this is not a specialty or a niche, but this is how we all become better coaches.
You can find out more about Ashana and her work here:
We hope that you enjoy this discussion!