
What Does a Transformational Coach Do? | Animas Coaching


What Does a Transformational Coach Do? | Animas Coaching

Before we embark on an attempt to develop ourselves it is natural to do some research and understand why a particular method will suit you. If you’re considering seeking the services of a transformational coach, or perhaps even considering it as a career, you might be asking yourself what does a transformational coach do? What does a coaching session or contact look like? What will be required of you? These are all sensible questions which we aim to address.

Transformational coaching – an option

Transformational coaching is one option for seeking self-development. However, in reality, it is more like a gateway where you step onto a travellator speeding you along to where you want to go. Transformation coaching is the vessel for change and accessing all that you need to achieve that.

Speak to any young person, older child, or teen, and you’re likely to hear reference to dreams, hopes, and aspirations for their future. These are hugely personal, and, likely emotive. The person is invested in what they want to do and achieve. However, speak to those same individuals at age 40 and many will have lost their way. Mundanity took over. The dreams, hopes, and aspirations never went away – they go buried, bypassed, perhaps partially achieved.

In essence, transformational coaching is the process of transition to get you once more aligned with your dreams, hopes, and aspirations. Even if those dreams are different to those of your thirteen year-old self. This is because it doesn’t focus on ‘do X to achieve Y’ – instead it focuses on rediscovering who you actually are. What makes you tick? What inspires you? What are your values? Transformational coaching is about putting you back in touch with who you really are, so that you can achieve those goals.

Therefore, transformational coaching will look different to different people. For some it will be about boosting self-esteem, for others it might be assessing the truth of negative beliefs about their limitations.

This is the framework of understanding about transformational coaching. Let’s look at transformational coaching in practice.

What does a transformational coach do?

People seek coaching for different reasons. You are probably relatively familiar with the difference between a life coach and a performance coach. Transformational coaching is more of an umbrella term, and the approach can be used for a variety of coaching needs. For example, relationship difficulties are as much the bread and butter of a transformational coach as career progression difficulties. It’s about the individual client.

Essentially, talking – therapeutically – is the primary act of the coaching and client relationship. It is through guided talking and active listening on the part of the transformational coach, that the coach is able to facilitate progress and change. Therefore, a typical coaching session will involve a two-way dialogue.

However, within this the transformational coach is actively working more attentively than you could expect from a mentor, friend, or partner. The transformational coach is actively listening to the entire communication – from body language and unspoken thoughts to the content of the words themselves. They are a quest-seeker helping to identify the areas that need addressing to enable self-development.

This means that a transformational coaching relationship can only be founded on trust and authenticity. It can be difficult, uncomfortable, and even painful to uncover bad habits, negative beliefs, poor self-image, and the roots of self-limitation. However, in so doing, your coach leads you back into touch with your true self, enabling positive change.

At its core, transformational coaching is client-focused and will work with you, in the way that you need, to achieve your goals.

Why do we need transformational coaching?

Anyone who is feeling confused, dissatisfied with an area of their life, or even lost, needs a transformational coach.

This is because not being our true selves, and not achieving our hopes and aspirations, has a hugely negative effect on us. It also tends to create a vicious circle effect whereby the spiral only continues downwards, exacerbating the problem, and taking us further and further from our life aims. The converse – where we realise our hopes and aspirations – leads to fulfilment and a sense of satisfaction and joy.

If you’re interested in pursuing transformational coaching as a career, we have the course for you. If you’re ready to take the step and find a transformational coach who is professionally trained, then select an Animas trained transformational coach.

Author Details
Justin is a professional writer and researcher and explores topics of coaching, coach training and personal development.
Justin Pickford

Justin is a professional writer and researcher and explores topics of coaching, coach training and personal development.

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